Software Due Diligence

Software Due Diligence


Financial stakes are high in the decision making process for investments or company takeovers. Risks need to be avoided or at least made transparent and quantified based on facts. If software is part of the (potential) investment, or the main component of the investment, all relevant quality attributes of the software need to be inspected to enable fact-based decision making.

Elements of this Software Due Diligence process can be:


  • Software functionality/ functional debt
  • Software architecture and maintainability
  • Code quality
  • Technical debt
  • Security
  • Performance


In addition to these technically orientated aspects, Software Due Diligence can also investigate aspects that are oriented more towards organizational and tactical/strategic considerations. For example: which strengths does the software have, and what can be done to maintain these strengths?

nSEC/Resilience offers the integrated technical expertise that is required for Software Due Diligence investigations. Our experienced experts are used to perform Software Due Diligence investigations with discipline and quality under time pressure. Part of this process is our internally developed modular Software Due Diligence Checklist, which enables thorough coverage but also the possibility to quickly scope any Software Due Diligence to its essence by aligning the checklist elements against what is required in each specific context. This checklist also covers the internationally used ISO 25010 standard for software quality.

Would you like to know more about our modular Software Due Diligence Checklist? We are happy to share the checklist with you, of course without any obligation. Please reach out to us through this form! This same online form can also be used for other questions about our Software Due Diligence services.